
Top 10 psychology clinics in Loveland 2015

Congratulations to Country Counseling, LLC
on winning the 2015 Patients’ Choice Awards
for Psychologist in Loveland, CO
Verified by Opencare.com

“Dr. Kathy Korell-Rach has been an outstanding therapist and has played an influential role in my recovery. Her warm and compassionate ways were very inviting and helped me progress in ways that would hot have been possible without her help. She was able to gently push me in ways that I needed a nudge and guide me on my recovery journey, much like I picture she nudges and guides her horses! I want to express my deepest thanks to her.”

– “S,” former client

“Kathy’s overall energy and enthusiasm, which she maintained throughout the entirety of our work together, struck me from the outset. It didn’t take me long to discover Kathy’s passion and expertise for her “other life,” as she calls it – her barrel horse racing. Likewise, Kathy’s challenging me to reconsider some of my thinking and actions often made me feel like I was racing down an arena with her, tightly gripping my reins. Kathy demonstrated mastery in the art of providing appropriate verbal analogies and written drawings to enhance and clarify her explanations to me. Also, Kathy helped me make considerable progress on a number of specific skills. I recall at least two particular situations in which we had strongly differing opinions. Rather than resulting in tensions between us, both events enhanced our work together – greatly due to the manner in which Kathy handled the matters. Due to the work Kathy and I had together, I have increased confidence and training in meeting the challenges I face in the future. Tremendous ‘Kudos to Kathy!'”

-“R,” former client

“I think about our time together a lot and am so thankful that I spent the time I did recovering. There are so many wonderful women around me fighting this same war, at varying degrees, and I wish I could just infuse their brain with everything I’ve learned! The emotional intelligence I’ve gained is invaluable and the self-awareness you helped me achieve helps me grow every single day. Thank you so much for having such a wonderful impact on my life!

-“A,” former client

“Thank you so much for taking the time to talk to me last year on the phone. You helped shape my life tremendously .”

 – Shelbey

“I have known Kathy professionally for over five years. She is warm, witty, kind and compassionate. She is a terrific therapist and a wonderful human being.”

Dr. Karen Drucker, PsyD, TEP

“I have so much admiration and respect for the work that you are doing. Even though we only had a few clients together, you were ‘right on’ with your therapy. You are gifted, and I want you to continue the fight to free these wonderful people from their nightmares. I am done, but I am so glad there are passionate people like yourself that carry on.”

-Chris Book, RD (now retired)

“Dr. Korell-Rach is easily one of the most talented, skillful, and compassionate therapists I’ve ever worked with. On top of all that, she’s fun and down-to-earth. I would recommend any of my friends or family to work with her. As a fellow therapist and eating disorder specialist, she has my highest recommendation.”

-Dr. Janean Anderson, Ph.D.

“Kathy is an extremely compassionate and intelligent clinician. She instantly makes you feel comfortable and understood which allows clients to be open to explore their deepest feelings. I highly recommend her services!”

-Melissa Preston, MA, NCC, RD

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